Tēnā koutou

Thursday, 4 April 2013


There are many trivial but odd and wondrous peculiarities to moving across the planet.  While I have been putting down stakes in New Zealand, Claire has been back in Indiana holding down the fort and packing our lives into a 40 foot container.  Obviously she had the worst job.  This is a very difficult task and takes months or preparation, which she has done masterfully.

The container is loaded and gets put on a truck.  The truck then drives off with all worldly possessions and more than a few mixed emotions (which I avoided by being here rather than there). Truck takes container to Oakland, California (might be a train trip in there but I'm not sure) where it's put on a ship.  Our ship is the Cape Maas.

The Cape Maas then takes the container to Nelson. Of course, it doesn't go straight to Nelson. This is the part I find peculiar.  Currently, the Cape Maas is in the Port of Honolulu. This means that our dining room table and chairs, couch, dishes, beds, bicycles, computer, and all the other stuff will have been to Hawaii.  But out family has never been to Hawaii. That's peculiar.  Aloha!

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